Since apparently somebody feels I didn’t make things clear… the survey ISN’T run by RWA. It isn’t approved, sanctioned, sponsored, etc, etc… by anybody but “About the survey”
Category: Blog
Widgeting…a contest
I’ve decided to do a contest to help spread the word about my July ebook, The Redeeming.
Mini update on survey
I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow, gone until Friday. I’ll have limited internet access, but I will try to watch the survey links. However, I doubt “Mini update on survey”
Just a reminder… Book of the Month Contest…
Is that sticky thread up top. Ends in a little over a week. BOMC-SJ Day
Writers & other industry people.
I’m doing a survey
The Missing
I got the coolest email the other day. A few months ago, I entered THE MISSING into a contest-it was one of the RWA chapter “The Missing”