Found over at the SB blog… who would have thought you could decorate a basement using nothing but sharpie markers? Not me. And I would “Wow”
Category: Blog
Magnificent Eight…Blog hopping with friends!
reposting! FYI, I’ve drawn my winner’s name…to be posted here in the next day or so. Contest is now closed, and to avoid confusion, I’m “Magnificent Eight…Blog hopping with friends!”
Blog take-overs & new releases
If you’re looking for Shiloh, you won’t find her here today. Today she is over at Jordan’s. And Jordan is here. If you’re looking for “Blog take-overs & new releases”
I'm not here today…
Today… I am here…over at Romance b(u)y the book… We’re doing some giveaways, but you do have to register at the site.
I ♥ my new agent
Very, very, very much ♥ my agent-talked to a few hours ago. Still dancing on air. Rabbit is still in the hole, though. Hopefully I “I ♥ my new agent”
Blog-a-thons, guest blogs, winners and other assorted fun…
Eight authors, including yours truly, have gotten together on a blog-a-thon. There will be prizes, crazy questions, and other assorted fun. Authors involved are: