Name five heroes…quick! Don’t think about it. Duncan Reever, Stardoc Richard, LKH’s Anita Blake books Michael Cyprien, Viehl’s Darkyn series Ash, Dark Hunter books Darkwind, “Fast Five… Heroes”
Category: Blog
Fast five
Quick… name five heroines that come to mind. My five! Cherijo, Stardoc series Eve Dallas, JD Robb Jaenelle, Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels books Stephanie Plum, Janet “Fast five”
oh… now this is just…. wrong !
Okay. I’ve seen it all. Guess what came up as a blog hit? I’m not even going to wonder about how… or why… simpsons pornos “oh… now this is just…. wrong !”
Am I a bad author…
if I love Mrs. Giggles? And I don’t just mean that she amuses me. She does. But I just flat out love reading her website. “Am I a bad author…”
And the winner is…
Sorry, guys… no TT this week. Real life is taking a chunk out of my tail. But before I take off, we have a winner. “And the winner is…”
Another invite for guest bloggers…
I’m filling in for a while at the old day job. They are short staffed, although honestly, I just think they miss me. Anyway, “Another invite for guest bloggers…”