I was checking my blog stats again. What can I say…it amuses me some of the search engine terms that have landed people on my “Ohhhhh… this one is PRICELESS”
Category: Blog
Deadline Crunch
Going to be off and on here for a few days. I’m like thiiiiisssss close to being done on Through The Veil, my next book “Deadline Crunch”
I'm so easily amused…
Go look! Now if I could just find a way to actually load it onto my blog instead of sending you elsewhere…
Escape from the relationship I'm in?????
Was over at Alison Kent’s blog and saw this… “From what I understand, (Harlequin) readers are women who want to escape from the relationship that “Escape from the relationship I'm in?????”
Oh now that is just wrong….
I was just checking my blog stats and found several hits from these two terms. “cock against her” excerpts & i came up her butt “Oh now that is just wrong….”
What is sexy….
Naturally, my mind doesn’t work on tangeants so I’m not going to confuse poeople and try to explain how my mind settled on this topic. “What is sexy….”