There’s another kerfuffle on reviews. Oddly led by a huge megaseller, and all about reviews and amazon and anonymity. It’s bull and I can’t see “I feel the need to repost…on negative reviews, and think of the unicorns”
Category: Blog
Friday rambles
I spent yesterday updating my website. This is probably the biggest change I’ve done with it in…um, forever. Well, since I got a for real “Friday rambles”
Website work
If you notice pages changing/backgrounds updating, etc… trying to update the look of site. Please ignore. Will go back to (my) level of normal soon.
Bloggity stuff
A couple more hits on the blog stop… if you visit, you can enter to win that Coach purse. Smexy Fab Four “Bloggity stuff”
How much of a book addict
If you’re here, more than likely, you’re addicted. I think the quiz is rigged. I’m much more addicted than this. You can take “How much of a book addict”
Net Galley users.. Break for Me & Long for Me!
If you use Net Galley, Break for Me & Long for Me are up there. Dunno how long they’ll be there, so grab them while “Net Galley users.. Break for Me & Long for Me!”