One of the sunset pics I took outside of Cave City, AZ. Pretty, yes? UTA… crud, I was forgetting something. I just found out that “Sunsets…”
Category: Gallery
I got my pics…don’t ask how many. I haven’t counted. But there are many. Many, many. Got some great pics of the canyon, too, “Sunsets”
Everybody say… oooohhhh…
So I can’t sleep. The DH is still in bed, as I type. The kids just woke up and have had poptarts, are bouncing off “Everybody say… oooohhhh…”
Writer Wednesdays #WW
So on Twitter, you’ll see a hasthag thing on Wednesdays… a #WW one. The hashtags are just used to mark identify certain topics and stuff…like “Writer Wednesdays #WW”
Blog reboot
Just a heads-up, comments are off for this…I’m not looking for strokes or pats or anything, just stating a few things. I’m tired. I realize “Blog reboot”
I haz covers… Wanna see? Just look below the cut.