Man, I think virtual tours are almost as exhausting as real life ones. Lucy Monroe’s Blog on May 30 FYI, some technical details here… I “At Lucy Monroe's Today”
Category: Signings & Events
Today's virtual stop…and some real life stops.
Today I’m over at the Book Binge. Or rather, an interview and an excerpt are at The Book Binge. The Book Binge on May 28 “Today's virtual stop…and some real life stops.”
Me & Nora Roberts & the first stop on my virtual tour
I think my name sounds good with hers. And I bet it looks very pretty, too. You can even get a chance to see-of “Me & Nora Roberts & the first stop on my virtual tour”
Upcoming Virtual Tour & A Winner
I’m terrible with promo. I feel weird trying to talk about my books. But I’m trying to do better…so I’ve lined up some things I’ll “Upcoming Virtual Tour & A Winner”
Mad Anthony-Signing April 26, 2008
Mad Anthony Book Festival Sorry for the last minute notice. April has been a month of sheer insanity. For those who live in or around “Mad Anthony-Signing April 26, 2008”
Cool Cards, West Virginia and Lora Leigh
Originally, this was gonna two posts, with the cards posting on Friday. But I’m too thrilled, had to share now. So…. this Saturday, March 8, “Cool Cards, West Virginia and Lora Leigh”